The "Fictional Characters from Novels on Stage" Animation Contest, organized for the fourth time this year by FMV Ayazağa Işık High School and Science High School Turkish Language and Literature Department, was held on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
The jury of the contest consisted of Turkish Language and Literature Teachers Filiz YUMUŞAK, İbrahim ŞEN, and Drama Teacher Sevim AYTAÇ. Students from participating schools received great acclaim from the audience with their performances portraying the fictional characters they selected from novels. At the end of the competition, which the jury had difficulty deciding on, the results were as follows: Samet AYYILDIZ, a student from Maltepe Orhangazi Anatolian High School, won first place with his performance of Victor Hugo's "The Last Day of a Condemned Man," Ayşe Lal DOKUMACI, a student from VKV Koç High School, won second place with her performance of Fakir BAYKURT's "The Revenge of the Snakes," and Zeynep Ece TANACI, a student from İstek Atanur Oğuz Anatolian High School, won third place with her performance of Franz KAFKA's "The Trial."
We would like to once again thank all the students who brought to life the unforgettable characters of Turkish and world literature, as well as the teachers who contributed to their performances.