On the 18th of March, 9th and 10th graders and geography teachers from all Işık High Schools came together with Prof. Celal ŞENGÖR, a 1969 graduate of Işık Middle School, for a lesson on “Separation, Erosion, and Mass Movements”.
The lesson started with a look at ocean currents and continued by discussing the effects of the Gulfstream hot water current on climate and geomorphology. Prof. ŞENGÖR talked about the Atacama Desert, the driest place in the world, and gave examples of average ocean temperatures.
He also talked about the distribution of climate types in the world, the factors affecting this distribution, as well as sedimentary rock types. He also described formations such as glacial wedging, plants breaking rocks into pieces, and shear cracks.
We would like to thank Prof. ŞENGÖR for being with us.