FMV Ayazağa Işık High School and Science High School students successfully represented our school at Enka High School’s international ENIMUN conference held September 29 to October 2. 11th grade students Cem İnan Tarmur, Lal Peri Çorbacıoğlu, Maya Ece Öneş, and Emir Ali Civan represented Sweden and South Africa in their respective committees, and became main submitters. 10th grade student Toprak Kılıç was selected to serve on the ENIMUN press team and made great contributions to ENIMUN’s closing ceremony. After their fruitful ENIMUN conference, our school principal, Mr. Özgür Alper, congratulated our successful students, leaving us feeling proud.
We congratulate our students for their contributions to the MUN Club and ENIMUN, and wish them continued success