FMV Işık Liseleri, Küresel Okullar Programı üyesi olarak Küresel Hedefler Haftası'na dikkat çekmek ve acil eylem gerektiren küresel sorunları ele almak için Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri Günü kapsamında etkinlikler düzenlediler. 24 Eylül 2022 tarihinde tüm yerleşkelerimizden lise öğrencileri, Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri ile ilgili ilham verici deneyimleri ve her bir hedefle ilgili harekete geçebilmek adına yapılabilecek olası çözümleri içeren Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri Projeleri'ni sundular. Öğrencilerimizin sürdürülebilirlik ve kalkınma konularındaki gayretlerini takdir ediyor ve birbirinden değerli projelerinin yaşama geçmesini diliyoruz.
On 24th September, 2022 FMV Işık High Schools organized a Sustainable Development Goals Day (SDG Day) event to draw attention to the Global Goals Week and to address the global issues which require immediate action as a member of Global Schools Program. The high school students from all of our campuses did very successful SDG presentations which included inspiring and insightful SDG related experiences they had conducted and possible solutions to take action regarding each goal. We appreciate the efforts of our students on sustainability and development and wish them success in their future projects on these issues.
On 24th September, 2022 FMV Işık High Schools organized a Sustainable Development Goals Day (SDG Day) event to draw attention to the Global Goals Week and to address the global issues which require immediate action as a member of Global Schools Program. The high school students from all of our campuses did very successful SDG presentations which included inspiring and insightful SDG related experiences they had conducted and possible solutions to take action regarding each goal. We appreciate the efforts of our students on sustainability and development and wish them success in their future projects on these issues.